Ah the fire mage. Once upon a time one of the more terrifying things you could run into in the pvp world, now just a shell of its former glory. They were the true glass cannons, able to kill a player faster than they could respond and die just as fast. Now a days the Fire mage is in pvp is a rare thing. With little durability and and resilience keeping their damage in check, most have gone frost and arcane and fire is left to the few.
Now why has this former powerhouse been side lined? Simple. Blizzard took the glass cannon concept and kept it, high damage/low survivability. While this is all very good on paper, the canon part was lost with the creation of resilience. Resilience the new stat(at the time) designed to save us from being 2 shotted by things like mages, reduced chance to be crit and reduced damage taken. This was a big nail in the coffin for the fire mage, no longer being able to quickly dispose of an opponent left it very vulnerable and weakened the spec considerably. As time went on most gave up on fire for pvp, the spec lived on in the pve world throughout BC and Wrath, though now towards the end even in pve it is fading in favor or arcane.
Current Fire pvp is a hard game to play. It is no longer about instant burst, but about creating as much mayhem as possible. Now the fire mage is a fragile thing only being able to take a few hit even with a ton of resil. Its toolbox allows it to deal out a lot of hurt, to a lot of people, in very little time. Your main job is to do as much damage to as many people before you are killed. And you will be killed. You are a Kamikaze.
The skilled used in your bombing runs are as follwed:
- Living Bomb, If you are running up to a group put it on everything. (warlock pets are my fav.)
- Dragon's Breath, This is a heavy hitter and dazes all who are hit. It will buy you time.
- Blast Wave, This is your peal, It is one of your heavy hitters, It will also buy you time.
- Flame Strike, due to your Fire starter talent these will be instant and free when used after Dragon's Breath or Blast Wave.
- Pyroblast, This is your big gun. If your using it it's either instant do to your Hotstreak talent(it will proc a lot when your bombs go off) or really fast when you are about dead(fiery payback is a bitch).
All of there will be used on a group in the course of about 20 seconds. This will leave entire groups dead or dieing, enemy healers panicking, and more than likely you in the grave yard. Note you will have some 1v1, it's not easy, but you have many useful spells for locking down an enemy long enough for you to kill them....unless they have pets...or 1 or 2 more friends and your alone...then Blink Invise and run.
Now best place to apply this new fun AV, a lot of people, a lot of choke points, enough mayhem to cover your to complete your suicide run. AV is your place to shine, Other fun places include...Flag room WSG, Flag in EOTS(try a blast wave there ;), Lumber Mill Flag(another Blast Wave spot) and anywhere else people bundle together. AV weekend owns, 3.6k honor kills in last 2 days.
Lastly we will talk of poor Natrii who is currently stranded on Nerz'hul. Let us all pray that he will be able to return home soon.